Section II: The Ruling of Wiping over Leather Socks and Related Matters

Firstly: Ruling of wiping over leather socks
It is permissible to wipe over leather socks. Consensus has been quoted over the matter by: Ibn al-Mubarak, Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn `Abd al-Barr, al-Baghawi, Ibn Qudamah, and al-Nawawi.

Secondly: Ruling of wiping over socks [174] Non-leather socks. Jawraban is the dual form of jawrab, and it is the cloth that is worn on the foot, referred to in Arabic by laity as sharab.
It is permissible to wipe over socks in general. This is the position of the Shafi`is, Hanbalis, Zahiris, Abu Yusuf, Muhammad ibn al-Hasssan, and it is narrated that Abu Hanifah went back to this position during his illness. It is also the position of some of the Salaf, the choice of Ibn Baz, Ibn `Uthaymin, and it is in accordance with the action of the Companions, Allah be pleased with them.

Thirdly: Wiping over thin [175] Thakhin refers to thickness when describing socks, such that they do not show the skin. Here, the ruling is over non-thakhin socks, i.e. socks that are thin to the point where they show the skin they cover. socks
Scholars have differed over the ruling of wiping over thin socks according to two views.
The first: is that it is permissible to wipe over all types of socks, regardless of thickness. This is the position of the Zahiris, some of the Salaf, and the choice of Ibn `Uthaymin.
The second: is that it is haram to wipe over thin socks. This is the position of the majority: Hanafis, Shafi`is, Hanbalis, and the choice of Ibn Baz. 

Fourthly: Wiping over shoes
It is haram to wipe over shoes, and this is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence.

Fifthly: Ruling of wiping over wraps [176] Lafa'if is the plural of lifafah and it is what is wrapped around a foot or other body parts. The wraps of concern here are specifically footwraps.
Scholars have differed over the ruling of wiping over footwraps according to two views:
The first: is that it is not permissible to wipe over footwraps. This is by agreement of the four schools of jurisprudence.
The second: is that it is permissible to wipe over footwraps. This is a valid position among the Hanbalis, and the choice of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn `Uthaymin.

Sixthly: Prioritizing wiping over leather socks or taking them off and washing the feet
Wiping over leather socks is better than taking them off and washing the feet. [177] However, wiping over leather socks may become obligatory if taking them off jeopardises the valid time of a prayer or the like. This is the position of the Hanbalis, some Hanafis, some of the Salaf, the choice of Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, al-Shinqiti, Ibn Baz, and Ibn `Uthaymin.