Section III: Vessels Made from Animal Hair, Fur, and Wool

Firstly: Vessels made from a living consumable animal’s hair, fur, or wool
Whatever hair, fur, or wool that is clipped from a living consumable animal is pure, and it is permissible to take vessels from it. Consensus has been quoted on the matter by Ibn al-Mundhir, Ibn Rushd, al-Nawawi, and Ibn Taymiyyah. A thorough discussion on its purity is yet to following the chapter of removing najasah.

Secondly: Vessels made from dead animal’s hair, fur, or wool that was pure when living
Whatever hair, fur, or wool that is clipped [41] As opposed to pulled or plucked or fell by itself, as this would have different connotations. It has been said that if the hair is pulled, then its root has a part from the dead animal on it, since the roots are typically deep within the skin, and so have a part which has directly been within the najasah. Allah knows best. from a dead animal that was pure when living, even if not consumable, is pure, and it is permissible to take vessels from it. This is the position of the majority: Hanafis, Malikis, Hanbalis, and a group from the Salaf. A thorough discussion on its purity is yet to following the chapter of removing najasah.